1. Goto Buy package and choose your joining package 100$ / 200$ / 300$
2. Buy using Bitcoin/perfect money
3. If you buy using bitcoin, goto, create bitcoin account and pay 100$ to company provided bitcoin account shows in Adwazo APP.
Note down the transaction/hash id.
4. Create the Support ticket to confirm your ID by providing the transaction hash id, your bitcoin address, purchased package details to admin team. Within 24hours, your ID will get activated.
Example Format for Support ticket to confirm ID.
Dear Sir Plz Confirm My I'd:
Payment Done $100
My Transaction Hash I'd:
My Btc Address:
Plz Confirm My I'd.
Copy the above post, fill your details and Go to Adwazo application, option Support and msg to admin
Within 24hours, your ID will get activated.
Start referring friends and change your life.
1. Goto Buy package and choose your joining package 100$ / 200$ / 300$
2. Buy using Bitcoin/perfect money
3. If you buy using bitcoin, goto, create bitcoin account and pay 100$ to company provided bitcoin account shows in Adwazo APP.
Note down the transaction/hash id.
4. Create the Support ticket to confirm your ID by providing the transaction hash id, your bitcoin address, purchased package details to admin team. Within 24hours, your ID will get activated.
Example Format for Support ticket to confirm ID.
Dear Sir Plz Confirm My I'd:
Payment Done $100
My Transaction Hash I'd:
My Btc Address:
Plz Confirm My I'd.
Copy the above post, fill your details and Go to Adwazo application, option Support and msg to admin
Within 24hours, your ID will get activated.
Start referring friends and change your life.